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User:ShadowKirby/Manga hub: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Chapter 9: The Unstoppable Rolling Stone!: I don't care if the referential humour has to go, the mere fact that this revision exists is good enough)
m (→‎Chapter 4: Catch it, Kirby!: a funny one that didn't make me cringe as bad as half of the rest lol)
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===Chapter 4: Catch it, Kirby!===
===Chapter 4: Catch it, Kirby!===
Main characters:
*[[Cool Spook]]
*[[Knuckle Joe]]
*[[Box Boxer]]
*[[Gao Gao]]
*[[Fatty Whale]]
*[[Meta Knight]]
Supporting/minor characters:
*[[Paint Roller]]
*[[Waddle Dee]]
*[[Waddle Doo]]
*[[Mr. Frosty]]
A fishing tournament is being held in Dream Land, hosted by [[Cool Spook]]. [[Kirby]] arrives late, as he had been preparing delicious ornaments on a tree due to confusing the name of the event. He repurposes the tree as bait. Not long after, he gets a large bite, and [[Fatty Whale]] emerges from the water, swallowing Kirby, [[Knuckle Joe]], [[Box Boxer]] and [[Gao Gao]] up. Inside Fatty Whale's mouth, they wonder how they're going to escape, but Kirby is quick to give up and settle inside the whale. They find food, manga, and games (including a copy of ''[[Kirby Mass Attack]]'').
Kirby decides it's time to go home, and he leads his friends to a shack he built within Fatty Whale's mouth. It is surprisingly bigger and more luxurious on the inside. Kirby also presents [[Meta Knight]], who had been stuck inside Fatty Whale for a month. Kirby's friends are bummed out by the implications, but Kirby remembers about the fishing tournament and decides to bring his catch up by [[hover]]ing and pushing it back to the surface. Here, Kirby wins the competition and receives a trophy, which he promptly brings to his home – specifically, the one within Fatty Whale.

===Chapter 5: Kirby's Summer Vacation!===
===Chapter 5: Kirby's Summer Vacation!===