Gigi/Sandbox/Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash!

Gigi/Sandbox/Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash!
Kirby Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash cover.jpg
Cover art for Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash!
Volume # 27
Published March 8th, 2023
Original story? Yes
Inspiration(s) Samurai Kirby
Chapters 16
Pages 232[1]
Main character(s) Kirby
Boss Dedede
Meta Knight
Tenugui Waddle Dee
ISBN 978-4046322234[1]
Volume order
Kirby: Full Stomach, Perfect Circle, Dream Buffet! Kirby: Come On Over to Merry Magoland!
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cool translation of the description goes here
— Unofficial translation of the description of Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash!

Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash![derived from Japanese] is the twenty seventh volume of the Kirby novel series, published exclusively in Japan on March 8th, 2023.[2] In this volume, (cool summary here)

This story takes inspiration from the Samurai Kirby Sub-Game, but has an original story, as the sub-game never had one. It's set in a world separate from the novels' main canon. In particular, it is a jidaigeki (period drama), meaning that it is based closely on Japanese culture during the Edo period.


Plot synopsisEdit

Chapter 1: Dream Village is Peaceful Today?Edit

The story starts in the Dream Village. Kirby, one of its habitants, is walking on a bridge, and appears to be sad; Knuckle Joe, who is passing by, notices and asks why. Kirby explains that he's hungry, which Knuckle Joe finds strange, as Kirby was just at Kawasaki's, and Kirby says that, indeed, he ate 10 set meals there, but he couldn't get dango as dessert. Knuckle Joe comments how that's due to the recent dango tax implemented by the village's lord, and not really Kawasaki's fault. Regardless, finishing crossing the bridge, Kirby spots a big banner advertising an "Animal Troupe" alongside a theatre. He gets closer, and someone hands him a flier: he says he's "Swordsman Elfilin", one of the stars of the show. After doing so, some beasts emerge from the theatre, to everyone's surprise. Noticing that, Kirby goes to reach out to his sword, but before he can do so, Elfilin draws his own sword, and starts attacking the beasts. However, Kirby notices the sword is a toy sword, and that Elfilin isn't directly attacking the beasts, but they are still getting "defeated". With that done, everyone around starts to clap, and they all bow to the audience. Elfilin introduces the members of the troupe, and invites everyone to see him defeat the bad guys in the play. Elfilin then approaches Kirby, and comments about he was brave and was about to draw his sword, which makes Kirby embarrassed; Chilly and Burning Leo, who are around, comment how no one has seen Kirby ever draw his sword, and that he's only good at eating and sleeping, and they wonder if Kirby's sword is also a toy sword. Kirby decides to not comment on it, and tells Elfilin he will see the play with his friend Waddle Dee.

Later that day, Kawasaki's restaurant is full of consumers, including Kirby and his friend, Tenugui Waddle Dee. Kirby orders lots of food items, and while Tenugui Dee orders some items, including warabimochi (a Japanese confection). However, Kawasaki says he cannot serve warabimochi, as kinako (sweet toasted soybean flour), one of its main ingredients, was just banned by the village's lord. Hearing that, everyone in the restaurant becomes annoyed, including Kirby, and starts to bad-mouth the lord. Some mention how the previous lord was much better, but ever since the new lord mysteriously replaced the new one, bad things have been happening. In particular, Scarfy mentions how he has heard rumors that the lord's castle has a dungeon, where people who go against him are kept forever. Wheelie adds that he once heard voices near the castle, likely from the dungeon. Kawasaki, scared by this talk, suggests that they change the subject, and they start to talk about the Animal Troupe instead. This prompts Kirby to invite Tenugui Dee to watch their play tomorrow, but he says he can't, as he will be busy doing tasks for Boss Dedede. This prompts those at the restaurant to talk about Dedede, saying that, even though he and his Waddle Dees are supposed to protect the town, he is like Kirby, and does nothing all day. After explaining that that's not really the case, Tenugui Dee leaves the restaurant, and Kirby leaves as well.

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Karakuri SoldiersEdit

As Kirby and Tenugui Waddle Dee head home after leaving Kawasaki's restaurant, someone suddenly hits Kirby. They say sorry, and Kirby and Tenugui Dee realize it's Elfilin, who says he's hiding from someone. They go hide, when karakuri-crafted puppets (mechanical puppets), made of wood and holding spears, pass by. They don't find anyone, so they leave, much to Elfilin's relief. Tenugui Dee wonders who Elfilin is, and they, with Kirby's help, introduce each other. Kirby then asks why Elfilin was being chased, but before he can explain, Tenugui Dee points out how those puppets looked strong and scary, and that he has to tell Dedede about them, but Elfilin tells him to not do that. He explains that these are the soldiers of the castle, and that they went after Elfilin because he tried to sneak in inside. Tenugui Dee asks why he tried to do that, and Elfilin, stuttering, says he was just curious about the castle. With that settled, Kirby offers Elfilin to come along with him and Tenugui Dee as they will head in the same direction, and Elfilin agrees. As they walk around, Elfilin starts talking about the play, and how he beats bad guys, but that the play also has karakuri crafts. Kirby asks what karakuri crafts exactly, but Elfilin backtracks stuttering, saying that this time they won't be in the play, and refuses to elaborate, only mentioning that their karakuri craftsman is sick. They arrive in the village's plaza, in particular in the Animal Troupe theater, and Elfilin is about to leave, when Leon shows up, worried about Elfilin. Noticing Kirby and Tenugui Dee, Elfilin introduces them to Leon and vice-versa, and explains to them that Leon is the leader of the troupe. After a quick chat, they say goodbye to each other, and Kirby and Tenugui Dee leave. The two talk about Elfilin trying to enter the castle, as well as the soldiers, and Tenugui Dee points out the soldiers must have something to do with the new lord. Anyway, they finally arrive where Kirby lives, in the Dream Nagaya (a type of rowhouse), and Kirby heads home. As Tenugui Dee walks away, he wonders about the karakuri crafts.

Chapter 3: The Riddle Mask AppearsEdit

Late at night, while most of residents of the village are sleeping, Waddle Doo is fishing, having lost track of time. Finally noticing the time, he decides to go back home, as it's very late; however, suddenly, from a shadow, a masked samurai with a powerful sword appears before him. The samurai simply says: "Answer. What is cold, white and sweet?" Confused and scared, Waddle Doo has no idea what to do, and the samurai insists him to answer. Waddle Doo ends up giving a very long detailed answer, and the samurai simply tells him to go, and then disappears. Still confused and scared, Waddle Doo runs away in a panic, dropping his fish basket.

Meanwhile, at Dedede's house, his Waddle Dees are counting sheep to try to make him fall asleep. One Dee accidentally counts wrong, and Dedede tells them to start over. Dedede is having trouble fall asleep because he naps often, as Dream Village is so peaceful that his job, which is to watch over the village and protect it, is never something he has to do, so he grew lazy over time. As the Dees go back to counting sheep, a loud sound comes from the front door. They go open it and Waddle Doo comes in, and explains his encounter with a masked samurai just now. Dedede does not believe Waddle Doo, as the village has no samurais, but Waddle Doo insists that he saw one; he tells how the samurai told him a riddle, and also took his fish from him. Hearing all this, Tenugui Waddle Dee tells Boss Dedede that it's their duty to go check what happened, which makes Dedede finally agree, and they leave for where Waddle Doo said he met the samurai. At the scene from earlier, they find Waddle Doo's fish basket still full of fish, and Waddle Doo finally remembers his fish were never stolen, and apologizes. Disappointed, Dedede then concludes it wasn't anything serious, and he goes back home, along with his Waddle Dees.

Chapter 4: Search for the Culprit!Edit

Some days pass, and the play of the Animal Troupe is a success. At the same time, more villagers report being ambushed at night by a samurai that asks a riddle, which people start to call the "Riddle Mask". Dedede wonders if he should do something about the Riddle Mask, when he has an insight. He tells to his Waddle Dees that the Riddle Mask must have something to do with the Animal Troupe, but Tenugui Waddle Dee doesn't seem to agree. Regardless, Dedede, really set on his idea, simply marches towards their theater, and all Waddle Dees, including Tenugui Dee, follow him.

In the Animal Troupe theater, Clawroline is asking Leon about something, and he replies explaining that he hasn't forgotten what they came there for, but that they need to gather more information first. Suddenly, the Awoofies start to bark, and they realize someone is invading the theater: it's Boss Dedede and his Waddle Dees. Elfilin notices Tenugui Dee, who tells Elfilin he's sorry about this. Dedede asks if Leon is the leader of the troupe, and he confirms, prompting Dedede to immediately accuse Leon of being the Riddle Mask. However, Tenugui Dee objects, explaining that the reports say that the Riddle Mask is much smaller than Leon. Dedede backtracks, and instead decides to accuse Elfilin, which prompts Tenugui Dee to object once again, explaining that Elfilin's voice is high and cute, while the voice of the Riddle Mask is low and calm. Seeing Elfilin being accused, Leon becomes really mad at Dedede, and demands him to show evidence of his claims. Dedede, with no proof, has no idea what to do. Leon then calms down and apologizes for his outburst, but reaffirms the troupe has nothing to do with the Riddle Mask, and that they are willing to help. However, Dedede decides to give up on his search for now, and leaves the theater. After he and his Waddle Dees leave, Clawroline and Gorimondo complain to Leon about Dedede, and Clawroline even suggests that they go beat up Dedede. However, Leon tells them that they cannot make them enemies, as Dedede is an important resident of the village. They truly don't know who the Riddle Mask is, and Leon is worried security of the village will become tighter, making it harder for them to go around.

Later that night, Kirby, completely unaware of the existence of the Riddle Mask, gets ambushed by a masked samurai. Kirby simply greets him, and the samurai asks his riddle: "What is cold, white and sweet?" Kirby doesn't answer, confused, but the samurai insists for an answer, which prompts Kirby to think. He gives an answer: something called "ice cream", an exotic snack he once had that may fit that description. Hearing that answer, the samurai becomes surprised, and he draws his sword, and asks Kirby to draw his sword as well. Intimidated, Kirby realizes he has no choice but to draw his sword, and the two stare at each other for a couple seconds, until both head to each other at the same time, and after colliding, the samurai's sword drops. Kirby won, but he actually didn't draw his sword, he simply used its sheath. After the quick showdown, Kirby figures it's dangerous, and is about to leave, when the samurai calls him out, saying, "You must be Kirby," much to Kirby's surprise. The samurai says he's Meta Knight, and says he will tell Kirby the details, and asks him to follow him. Kirby, despite being confused, decides to follow Meta Knight. Meanwhile, Waddle Doo, who was watching all that scene, says to himself that he must tell the village that Kirby beat the Riddle Mask, and runs back home.

Chapter 5: The Truth of the AffairEdit

Having reached a place where they cannot be heard by anyone else, Meta Knight starts to explain to Kirby why he was going around the village and ambushing people with a riddle: he was looking for a partner for his plan, in particular a swordsman that matched his skill, and he heard about Kirby from someone. Kirby asks from who, and Meta Knight says it was from Magolor. Kirby then remembers that he once met Magolor, and he was the one that gave him the "ice cream". Meta Knight continues saying that Magolor told him that Kirby was good at sword fighting, but that he was too busy to help Meta Knight encounter Kirby. As such, he described Kirby to Meta Knight, but it wasn't enough to him, as Meta Knight had to act only at night as he was keeping his plan a secret, and thus wouldn't be able to clearly see color and shape of others. Meta Knight then mentions how Magolor once gave Kirby "ice cream", and that only Kirby would know about it, hence the riddle. Meta Knight also explains that he asked Kirby to draw his sword once they finally meet to see if Magolor was telling the truth about him being good at sword fighting. With all that explained, Kirby asks then why he needed him, and Meta Knight explains he wants to infiltrate the castle, and needs help. He explains that Rokuemon, the current lord, was once a common villager but he replaced the previous lord with a great power: the power of a secret scroll called the Setsuna Scroll (lit. "Instant Scroll"), which has a technique that allows someone to be faster than their opponent. Meta Knight explains he wants that scroll to be the strongest swordsman, but Kirby mishears what Meta Knight is talking about and thinks that the scroll is related to food. Trying to explain to Kirby, in vain, Meta Knight then says he also wants to take down the lord, as he has been for example putting taxes on food items, which prompts Kirby to want to help taking down the lord even more. Kirby asks what they should do, but Meta Knight mentions that he hasn't finished his plan yet, so for now Kirby should wait until Meta Knight contacts him again, and keep all this a secret. Meta Knight leaves, and Kirby wonders how Meta Knight knew Magolor.

Chapter 6: Kirby's SecretEdit

The next evening, Kirby goes to Kawasaki's and order food as usual, but he notices everyone is looking at him for some reason. Kirby asks what is going on, and Kawasaki explains that Waddle Doo was telling a story: the story of how Kirby beat the Riddle Mask.

Chapter 7: Shrouded in DarknessEdit

Chapter 8: The Truth of the Animal TroupeEdit

Chapter 9: The Evil Castle Lord RokuemonEdit

Chapter 10: The Beginning of Each Strategy!Edit

Chapter 11: A Moment's BargainEdit

Chapter 12: Big Tag Battle!Edit

Chapter 13: Run Through the Karakuri CastleEdit

Chapter 14: The True MastermindEdit

Chapter 15: The Two ScrollsEdit

Chapter 16: Dream Village is Peaceful Today!Edit



Names in other languagesEdit

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ほしのカービィ 刹那せつな見斬みきりであくて!
Hoshi no kābyi setsuna no mikiri de aku o tate!
Kirby of the Stars: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash!
Based on the Japanese name of Samurai Kirby, 刹那せつな見斬みきり (Setsuna no Mikiri, Slash in a Flash).
