Welcome to WiKirby!Edit

Hi there SAGOVICH, and welcome to WiKirby! We hope you'll enjoy editing here; check out our help guide for editing tips and information on do's and don'ts. Also, please keep in mind that all edits are subject to moderation until you become autoconfirmed (5 edits and 24 hours)! If you need any help, just contact one of the administrators. Thanks! — The WiKirby Staff

-- Kirbot (talk) 19:14, 24 January 2023 (UTC)

Sagovich MessageEdit

Okay im now in Wikirby. What's next? SAGOVICH (talk) 05:30, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

Welcome! Are you looking to something to do on the wiki? You can check out WiKirby:Current events and may find tasks that need to be done on WiKirby:Project Clean-Up. To create new pages, upload files and edit without having your edits approved by a moderator, you'll need to make 3 more edits anywhere on the wiki. Correct me if you're looking to do something else. –Wiz (talk · edits) 13:16, 27 January 2023 (UTC)
I'd like to add that you also need to wait one day before you get autoconfirmed. -~☆Starvoid⁠☆ (t · c) 14:00, 27 January 2023 (UTC)
Okay --SAGOVICH (talk) 09:20, 28 January 2023 (UTC)