Hi, I'm Lens. I'm currently around as an occasional editor of very niche topics, though I hold an affection towards Copy Abilities, as they are what drew me to the Kirby series.

Note that the only main series Kirby games I've played are the modern entries (KRTD (100%), KTD (haven't finished it), KPR (main story complete), KSA (main story complete), and KFL (postgame complete). I wish to try out the older games someday, to see what made Kirby the special game series it is in my heart, today. I tried KSS at one point in a friend's house, and I absolutely loved it, so I'm excited for that, and the other entries, when I eventually (hopefully) get to them.

Personal Favorite: KRTD, as it was my first.

Here's to hoping I make WiKirby a better place overall. (All of the titles mentioned are abbreviated, by the way, so I can memorize them.)