
< User:Owencrazyboy17
Revision as of 17:46, 2 October 2022 by Owencrazyboy17 (talk | contribs) (→‎Kirby and the Forgotten Land: More music titles up to "The Ultimate Fight.")

This sandbox is where I add information that can be added to the relevant articles. Unless you're fixing typos and other punctuational or grammatical mistakes or adding to the "music names in other languages" section, I wouldn't recommend editing any other section. I'll get around to the other stuff when I get around to it.

List of Kirby series music names in other languages

This is a list of names of different musical pieces from the Kirby series in other languages.

Kirby Air Ride

Kirby Air Ride music titles  
Japanese English
オープニング Opening
メニュー Menu
あそびかた Play Methods
エアライド:プランテス Air Ride: FANTASY MEADOWS
エアライド:ヴァレリオン Air Ride: CELESTIAL VALLEY
エアライド:サンドーラ Air Ride: SKY SANDS
エアライド:コルダ Air Ride: FROZEN HILLSIDE
エアライド:マグヒート Air Ride: MAGMA FLOWS
エアライド:アイルーン Air Ride: BEANSTALK PARK
エアライド:スチールオーガン Air Ride: MACHINE PASSAGE
エアライド:チェックナイト Air Ride: CHECKER KNIGHTS
エアライド:ギャラックス Air Ride: NEBULA BELT
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:はるかぜとともに Kirby Super Star: Spring Breeze
星のカービィ夢の泉の物語:森ステージ Kirby's Adventure: Forest Stage
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:格闘王への道 Kirby Super Star: The Arena
星のカービィ夢の泉の物語:レインボーリゾート Kirby's Adventure: Rainbow Resort
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:メタナイトの逆襲 (1) Kirby Super Star: Revenge of Meta Knight 1
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:初心者の部屋 Kirby Super Star: The Beginner's Room
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:メタナイトの逆襲 (2) Kirby Super Star: Revenge of Meta Knight 2
星のカービィ:グリーングリーンズ Kirby: Green Greens
星のカービィ夢の泉デラックス:夢の泉 Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land: Dream Land
Finish!:1着でゴール Finish! Winner's Finish
Finish!:2着以下 Finish! Second Place or Worse
Finish!:CPゴール Finish! CPU Finish
エアライド:結果表示画面 Air Ride: Results Screen
エアライド:エンディング Air Ride: Ending
ウエライド:草 Top Ride: GRASS
ウエライド:砂 Top Ride: SAND
ウエライド:空 Top Ride: SKY
ウエライド:炎 Top Ride: FIRE
ウエライド:光 Top Ride: LIGHT
ウエライド:水 Top Ride: WATER
ウエライド:鉄 Top Ride: METAL
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:山地 Kirby Super Star: The Mountain
星のカービィ64:ホロビタスター Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards: Rock Star
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:メタナイトの逆襲(マップ) Kirby Super Star: Revenge of Meta Knight (Map)
星のカービィスーパーデラックス:VSデデデ Kirby Super Star: Versus King Dedede
星のカービィ64:中ボスの部屋 Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards: Mid-boss Room
星のカービィ:フロートアイランズ Kirby: Float Islands
星のカービィ:やきいもシューティング Kirby: Shooting
ウエライド:結果表示画面 Top Ride: Results Screen
シティトライアル:街 City Trial: City
シティトライアル:残り時間が少ない City Trial: Not Much Time Left
シティトライアル:街(裏) City Trial: City (Backside)
シティトライアル:ダイナブレイド登場 City Trial: Dyna Blade Intro
シティトライアル:タック逃走中 City Trial: Tac Challenge
シティトライアル:メテオ襲来 City Trial: Flying Meteor
シティトライアル:巨岩出現 City Trial: Huge Pillar
シティトライアル:駅が火事 City Trial: Station Fire
シティトライアル:箱の中身が? City Trial: What's in the Box?
シティトライアル:灯台にあかりがともる City Trial: The Lighthouse Light Burns
シティトライアル:チャージタンク暴走 City Trial: Rowdy Charge Tank
シティトライアル:アイテムバウンド City Trial: Item Bounce
シティトライアル:今日は霧が深い City Trial: Dense Fog Today
シティトライアル:伝説のエアライドマシン City Trial: Legendary Air Ride Machine
シティトライアル:性能グラフ City Trial: Properties Graph
スタジアム:タイトル Stadium: Title
スタジアム:ゼロヨンアタック Stadium: DRAG RACE
スタジアム:エアグライダー Stadium: AIR GLIDER
スタジアム:ポイントストライク Stadium: TARGET FLIGHT
スタジアム:バトルロイヤル Stadium: KIRBY MELEE
(Not in the Japanese version.) City Trial: Ending
リタイア Retire
クリアチェッカー完成 Checklist Complete

※The French, Italian, German and Spanish versions re-use the English titles for the music instead of translating them.

Kirby: Canvas Curse/Kirby: Power Paintbrush

Kirby: Canvas Curse/Kirby: Power Paintbrush music titles  
Japanese English French Italian German Spanish
??? Opening Intro ??? Eröffnung ???
??? Menus Menus ??? Menüs ???
??? Training Entraînement ??? Training ???
??? Plant Plain Petite Plaine ??? Grüne Gipfel ???
??? Tiny Town Vieille Ville ??? Mini-Metropole ???
??? Ravine Road Route Ravin ??? Pfiffikus-Pfad ???
??? Ghost Grounds Terre Terrifiante ??? Geister-Grund ???
??? Growth Grasses Hautes Herbes ??? Wonnige Wiesen ???
??? Mag Mount Mont Magma ??? Glut-Grotte ???
??? Rift Ruin Vestiges Visitées ??? Riesen-Ruine ???
??? Contrast Cave Caverne Contrastée ??? Kontrast-Kluft ???
??? Silver Submarine Itinéraire Inondé ??? Funkel-Fabrik ???
??? Machine Mansion Maison Machine ??? Machina-Manie ???
??? Dreamy Darkness Nuit Noire ??? Fiese Finsternis ???
??? Paletto Polis Cité Colorée ??? Paletto-Polis ???
??? Cold Course Parcours Polaire ??? Klirrende Kälte ???
??? Dungeon Dome Donjon Danger ??? Kerker-Kuppel ???
??? Canvas Canyon Vents Violents ??? Kritzel-Komplex ???
??? Collapse Castle Château Croulant ??? Kollaps-Kastell ???
??? Volatile Volcano Volcan Volatil ??? Vulkan Vigil ???
??? Silent Seabed Plongée Profonde ??? Tiefen-Terror ???
??? Frozen Fantasy Fantaisie Froide ??? Frost-Front ???
??? Mad Mechanism Méchante Machine ??? Mecha-Mix ???
??? Spectacle Space Spectacle Sidéral ??? Kosmik-Kaos ???
??? The World of Drawcia Monde de Crayona ??? Malias Reich ???
??? Room Guarder Salle de Garde ??? Raumwächter ???
??? Jump Game Saut ??? Zielspiel ???
??? Clear 1 Términé 1 ??? Geschafft # 1 ???
??? Clear 2 Términé 2 ??? Geschafft # 2 ???
??? Clear 3 Términé 3 ??? Geschafft # 3 ???
??? Fanfare 1 Fanfare 1 ??? Fanfare # 1 ???
??? Fanfare 2 Fanfare 2 ??? Fanfare # 2 ???
??? Fanfare 3 Fanfare 3 ??? Fanfare # 3 ???
??? Game Over Game Over ??? Game Over ???
??? Boss Game Select Jeu Boss ??? Bosskampf-Auswahl ???
??? Paint Panic Défi Pinceau ??? Pinselpanik ???
??? Cart Run Course Chariot ??? Lorenrennen ???
??? Kracko Kracko ??? Kracko ???
??? Done In Fait en ??? Finito ???
??? Medal Swap Troc Médaille ??? Münztausch ???
??? Drawcia Demo Démo Crayona ??? Malia-Demo ???
??? Drawcia Sorceress Crayona la Sorcière ??? Hexe Malia ???
??? Drawcia Soul Ame de Crayona ??? Malias Essenz ???
??? Ending Cinema Film de Fin ??? Abspann ???
??? Credits Crédits ??? Credits ???

Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn

Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn music titles  
Japanese American English British English French-Canadian European French Italian German Latin American Spanish Castilian Spanish Korean
??? Quilty Square Theme from Quilty Square Village feutré ??? Filzingen ??? ??? ???
??? Grass Land Theme from Grass Land Coin nature Contrée verte ??? Grasland ??? ??? ???
??? Hot Land Theme from Hot Land Coin chaleur Contrée du feu ??? Hitzland ??? ??? ???
??? Treat Land Theme from Treat Land Coin bonheur Contrée plaisir ??? Hurraland ??? ??? ???
??? Water Land Theme from Water Land Coin de l'eau Contrée océane ??? Stoffstrand ??? ??? ???
??? Snow Land Theme from Snow Land Coin neige Contrée blanche ??? Frostfadenheim ??? ??? ???
??? Space Land Theme from Space Land Coin cosmos Contrée spatiale ??? Kosmoland ??? ??? ???
??? Dream Land Theme from Dream Land Dream Land ??? Dream Land ??? ??? ???
??? Quilty Court Theme from Quilty Court Loyer douillet ??? Filzhaus ??? ??? ???
??? Patch Castle Theme from Patch Castle Château PonPon ??? Stoffschloss ??? ??? ???
??? Fountain Gardens Theme from Fountain Gardens Jardin des fontaines ??? Brunnengärten ??? ??? ???
??? Flower Fields Theme from Flower Fields Floralies Champs de fleurs ??? Knopfknospental ??? ??? ???
??? Rainbow Falls Theme from Rainbow Falls Cascades arc-en-ciel ??? Regenbogenfälle ??? ??? ???
??? Big-Bean Vine Theme from Big-Bean Vine Fèves grimpantes Haricot grimpant ??? Kletterbohningen ??? ??? ???
??? Mole Hole Theme from Mole Hole Tanière de taupes Galerie de taupe ??? Maulwurfbau ??? ??? ???
??? Weird Woods Theme from Weird Woods Forêt étrange ??? Seltsamer Wald ??? ??? ???
??? Pyramid Sands Theme from Pyramid Sands Désert pyramidal ??? Pyramidenwüste ??? ??? ???
??? Lava Landing Theme from Lava Landing Base du volcan ??? Lavawüste ??? ??? ???
??? Cool Cave Theme from Cool Cave Grotte amusante Grotte de cristal ??? Hopplahöhle ??? ??? ???
??? Dino Jungle Theme from Dino Jungle Jungle de dinnosaures ??? Dinodschungel ??? ??? ???
??? Dusk Dunes Theme from Dusk Dunes Dunes du crépuscule ??? Dämmerdünen ??? ??? ???
??? Toy Tracks Theme from Toy Tracks Cour de récréation ??? Spielzeugfeld ??? ??? ???
??? Mushroom Run Theme from Mushroom Run Champignonnière ??? Pilzfeld ??? ??? ???
??? Melody Town Theme from Melody Town Village mélodie Village mélodique ??? Dorf der Musik ??? ??? ???
??? Dark Manor Theme from Dark Manor Manoir sombre Manoir hanté ??? Gruselvilla ??? ??? ???
??? Splash Beach Theme from Splash Beach (Night) Plage barbotage Plage plouf ??? Plätscherstrand (Nacht) ??? ??? ???
??? Secret Island Theme from Splash Beach (Day) Île secrète ??? Plätscherstrand (Tag) ??? ??? ???
??? Blub-Blub Ocean Theme from Blub-Blub Ocean Océan Bloup-Bloup Océan tumultueux ??? Blub-Blub-Ozean ??? ??? ???
??? Deep-Dive Deep Theme from Deep-Dive Deep Fond inexploré Tréfonds marins ??? Tiefen des Ozeans ??? ??? ???
??? Snowy Fields Theme from Snowy Fields Champ enneigé Balade hivernale ??? Winterwatteland ??? ??? ???
??? Cozy Cabin Theme from Cosy Cabin Cabane accueillante ??? Gemütliche Hütte ??? ??? ???
??? Mt. Slide Theme from Mt. Slide Mont glissade Mont Kigliss ??? Rutschberg ??? ??? ???
??? Frosty Wheel Theme from Frosty Wheel Dégringolade glacée Manège enneigé ??? Eisrad ??? ??? ???
??? Future City Theme from Future City Ville de l'avenir Cité futuriste ??? Stadt der Zukunft ??? ??? ???
??? Tube Town Theme from Tube Town Village branché ??? Stromhausen ??? ??? ???
??? Stellar Way Theme from Stellar Way Avenue céleste Voie stellaire ??? Sternenallee ??? ??? ???
??? Tankbot Tankbot Theme Robochar ??? Robopanzer ??? ??? ???
??? Outer Rings Theme from Outer Rings Anneaux du cosmos Anneaux cosmiques ??? Äußere Ringe ??? ??? ???
??? Green Greens Vertes Prairies ??? Frühlingswiesenmusik ??? ??? ???
??? Butter Building Tour de Beurre ??? Buttertürmchen ??? ??? ???
??? Bubbly Clouds Nuages Mousseux ??? Kugelwolken ??? ??? ???
??? Gourmet Race Rallye Exquis ??? Formel Mampf ??? ??? ???
??? Ice Cream Island Île Crème Glacée ??? Sahneeiseiland ??? ??? ???
??? Halberd Halberd Theme Halberd ??? Halberd ??? ??? ???
??? Fangora Fangora's Theme Dragrognon ??? Fangora ??? ??? ???
??? Hot Wings Hot Wings's Theme Flamenko ??? Flanellphönix ??? ??? ???
??? Squashini Squashini's Theme Écrapule ??? Kürbini ??? ??? ???
??? Capamari Capamari's Theme Octotuk Octonnet ??? Kappamari ??? ??? ???
??? King Dedede King Dedede's Theme Roi Dadidou Roi DaDiDou ??? König Dedede ??? ??? ???
??? Meta Knight Meta Knight's Theme Meta Knight ??? Meta-Knight ??? ??? ???
??? Yin-Yarn Yin-Yarn's Theme Maillalenvers ??? Grimmgarn ??? ??? ???
??? Staff Credits Staff Credits Theme Générique Crédits ??? Staff Credits ??? ??? ???

Kirby Mass Attack

Kirby Mass Attack music titles  
Japanese American English British English French-Canadian European French Italian German Latin American Spanish Castilian Spanish Korean
??? Meadow Breeze ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Woods Wayfarer ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Dark Clouds ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Desert Scorcher ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Lovely Oasis ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Night Desert ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Ruins at Night ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Ruins Ahead ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Over the Water ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? At the Bottom ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Fun Castle ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Snowy Zone ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Icy Realm ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Scalding Spring ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Scary Graveyard ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Vast Darkness ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Off into Space ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Climbing Trees ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Tree to Tree ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Fearsome Foe ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Tough Enemy ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Piggy Enemy ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Terrifying Fiend ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Fetching Fruit ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Base Infiltration ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Lifted Upward ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Through the Sky ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Underground ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Lonely Desert ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Swallowed Exit ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Bug-Eyed Foes ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Vehicle Blast ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Gulpy Ghost ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Let's Play ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Southern Shore ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Surfing Stars ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Fly Far Far Away ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Skull Tower ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? The Skull Gang ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Unrivaled Size ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Invincible Candy ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Goal in Sight ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Foes Spring Up ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Sunken Ship ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Kirby Collecting ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Daroach Reunion ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Checking Extras ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Jump Out ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Rally Forth ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Cleared at Last ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Game Over ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Well Played ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Notebook Notes ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? That's That ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? From Above ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Dark Island ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Green Grounds ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Sandy Canyon ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Dedede Resort ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Volcano Valley ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Necro Nebula ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Skulls Swing In ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Rainbow Riches ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Eerie Island ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Stone Statue ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Down to One ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Staff Pond ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Staff Collection ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Good Memories ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Out of the Holes ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Mole Mayhem ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Smash 'Em Up ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Pinball Play ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Slots Aplenty ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Pinball Scuffle ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Showdown ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Big Gold Star ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Final Curtain ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Mushroom Path ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Hopscotch Time ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Space Explorer ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Team Triumph ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Way Blocked ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Kirby Gale ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Service Song ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Popstar Ahead ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? The Asteroid ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Asteroid Ship ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Bad Nightmare ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Kirby Quest ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Kirby Conflict ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Rumored Place ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Victory Fanfare ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Fate's Crossroad ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Strongest Sword ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Time to Shine ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Action Heaven ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Survive It All ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Shining Trophy ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Battle Extremes ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? Survival Lobby ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Dedede's Drum Dash

Dedede's Drum Dash music titles  
Japanese American English British English French-Canadian European French Italian German Spanish Korean
グリーングリーンズ Green Greens Vertes Prairies Verde aiuola Frühlingswiese Prados verdes 그린 그린
激突げきとつ!グルメレース Gourmet Go Go Rallye Exquis Gara dei Buongustai Formel Mampf Carrera gourmet 대결! 음식 레이스
デデデ大王だいおうのテーマ Dedede's Theme Thème de Dadidou Thème de DaDiDou Tema di Dedede Dededes Melodie Melodía de Dedede 디디디 대왕의 테마
異空いくうヲカケル旅人たびびと Distant Traveler Distant Traveller Voyageur lointain Un lungo viaggio Weltenbummler Viajero lejano 이공을 건너는 여행자

Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe

Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe music titles  
Japanese English Korean
浮遊大陸ふゆうたいりく花畑はなばたけ Floral Fields 플로랄 필드
はずんでデンデン♪ Must Dash 리듬 타고 쿵쿵♪
おくのカガミでわらかげ Reflected Laughter 거울 속 웃는 그림자
とびだせ!おく手前てまえへボスバトル Bouncing Boss Battle 안팎을 오가며 보스 배틀
シティトライアル:まち City 시티 트라이얼
戦艦せんかんハルバード:甲板かんばん Boarding the Halberd 전함 할버드: 갑판
CROWNED:Ver.2 C-R-O-W-N-E-D (Reprise) CROWNED:Ver.2

※The French, Italian, German and Spanish versions re-use the English stage titles for the music instead of translating them.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse/Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse/Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush music titles  
Japanese American English British English French-Canadian European French Italian German Latin American Spanish Castilian Spanish
グリーングリーンズ Green Greens Verdure Vertes prairies La verde aiuola Frühlingswiesenmusik Praderas verdes Prados Verdes
たびのはじまり/アレンジver. The Adventure Begins (Arrangement) L'aventure commence (arrangement) Le début de l'aventure (arrangement) ??? Auf in das neue Abenteuer (Arr.) ??? ???
デデデ大王だいおうのテーマ King Dedede's Theme Thème du Roi Dadidou Thème du Roi DaDiDou ??? König Dededes Thema Tema del Rey Dedede
そらをゆく Through the Sky À travers le ciel À travers les cieux ??? Durch die Lüfte ??? ???
べジタブルバレー Vegetable Valley Vallée Légume Valle Verdura Waldmeistertal Valle Vegetal Valle Verdura
ウエライドメドレー Top Ride Medley Pot-pourri Top Ride ??? Top-Ride-Medley ??? ???
宇宙うちゅうエリア Space Area Cosmos Level Aire spatiale ??? Zone im All ??? ???
ボスのテーマ Boss Theme Thème du boss ??? Boss-Thema Tema del jefe
おくのカガミでわらかげ Reflected Laughter Rire réflechi ??? Besonnenes Lachen ??? ???
銀河ぎんがにねがいを Milky Way Wishes Conflit Astral Auguri dalla Via Lattea Trubel im All Deseos de la Vía Láctea
リップルフィールド Ripple Field Champ ondulé ??? Welliges Feld ??? ???
ゆきがっせん Snowball Scuffle Bataille de boules de neige ??? Schneeballschlacht ??? ???
アイスクリーム アイランド Ice Cream Island Île Crème Glacée Isola Gelato Sahneeiseiland Isla del Helado
ボスとのたたか Boss Battle Chief Foe Fight Bataille de boss ??? Bosskampf Pelea contra el jefe Combate contra el jefe
スカイタワー Sky Tower Sky Building Tour dans le ciel ??? Himmelsturm Torre celestial
アステロイド The Asteroid L'astéroïde ??? Der Asteroid ??? ???
バタービルディング Butter Building Tour de Beurre Palazzo di Burro Buttertürmchen Edifico de mantequilla
レインボー リゾート Rainbow Resort Arc-en-ciel Station de l'Arc-en-Ciel Castello Arcobaleno Aurora-Allee Balneario arcoíris País Arco-Iris
初心者しよしんしや部屋へや The Beginner's Room Chambre des débutants ??? The Beginner's Room ??? ???
もりステージ Forest Stage Forêt ??? Lololos Wäldchen Etapa forestal Forest Stage
やまステージ Mountain Stage Montagne Étape de la montagne ??? Bergabschnitt Etapa de la montaña Fase de la montaña
クーのテーマ Coo's Theme Thème de Coo ??? Coos Thema Tema de Coo
バブリークラウズ Bubbly Clouds Nuages Mousseux Soffici nuvole Kugelwolken Nubes Pastel
ビッグフォレスト Big Forest Grande forêt ??? Der mächtige Wald El gran bosque
リベンジ オブ エネミー Revenge of the Enemy La Vengeance de l'ennemi ??? Die Rache des Feindes La venganza del enemigo
カービィメドレー Kirby Medley Pot-pourri de Kirby ??? Kirby-Medley ??? ???
休憩所きゅうけいじょ Rest Area Rest Spot Zone de repos ??? Ein Ort der Rast Área de reposo
コース8:ゆきステージ Iceberg Ocean Océan Iceberg ??? Eisbergmeer Océano Iceberg
メタナイトの逆襲ぎゃくしゅう:END Revenge of Meta Knight: Ending La Vengeance de Meta Knight: Fin ??? Meta-Knights Rache: Ende Meta Knight vengador La venganza de Meta Knight: Fin
ヘビーロブスター Heavy Lobster Homartilleur Mecharagosta Krabbonator Langosta Pesada
おおきなくちのおばけ Gulpy Ghost Fantôme engloutissant Fantôme vorace ??? Schlinggeist ??? ???
こうじょうけんがく Studying the Factory Étude de l'usine ??? Beobachten der Fabrik Analizando la fábrica
月影げつえい帝都ていとセクトラトア Moonlight Capital Capitale au clair de lune ??? Mondscheinhauptstadt La capital a la luz de la luna
伝説でんせつ戦艦せんかんハルバード The Legendary Halberd Halberd ??? Die legendäre Halberd Hal Abarda
銀河ぎんがにねがいを:SHT Milky Way Wishes: Shooting Conflit Astral : Filantes ??? Trubel im All: Schusswechsel Deseos de la Vía Láctea: Fugaz

Kirby: Planet Robobot

Kirby: Planet Robobot music titles from Miiverse  
Japanese American English British English European French Italian German Castilian Spanish Russian
キカイのせかいのだいぼうけん Venturing into the Mechanized World Venturing into the Mechanised World Aventure dans un monde mécanique Avventurarsi in un mondo meccanizato Das große Maschinenwelt-Abenteuer Aventura en el mundo mecánico Рискованная вылазка в Механический мир
うるおいの星 Bountiful Star Étoile généreuse Pianeta redditizio Planet Profit Estrella benévola Щедрая звезда
VS.悪のカンパニー VS. The Wicked Company Contre la société maléfique Contro la perfida compagnia Gegen das Unternehmen des Bösen Contra la corporación maléfica Против Злой компании
枯渇した海 Dried-up Sea Mer asséchée Mare prosciugato Ausgetrocknetes Meer Mar seco Высохшее море
Crazy Rolling in Money Rouler sur l'or Bagno di soldi Verrücktes Bad im Geld Dinero a espuertas Безумное купание в деньгах
VS.スタードリーム VS. Star Dream Contre l'Idole des étoiles Contro Sogno Stellare Gegen Strenentraum Contra Sueño Estelar Против Звездной мечты
Fatal Error Erreur fatale Errore fatale Schwerer Fehler Error fatal Фатальная ошибка
主のいないインテルメッツォ Intermezzo Without a Leader Intermezzo sans direction Intermezzo senza guida Intermezzo ohne Anführer Intermezzo sin direción Забавная история без командира
星の産声 First Cry of a Newborn Star Premier cri d'une nouvelle étoile Nascita di una stella Erster Schrei eines neugeborenen Sternes El primer grito de una nueva estrella Первый крик новорожденной звезды
回歴する追憶の数え唄 Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection Comptine vagabonde du souvenir Canzone errante del ricordo Irrendes Zählelied der Erinnerungen Canción errante de recuerdos Песня-считалка бродяги, размышляющего о прошлом

※The Dutch and European Portuguese Miiverse posts re-use the English music titles instead of translating them.

Kirby 25th Anniversary Orchestra Concert

Kirby 25th Anniversary Orchestra Concert music titles from YouTube  
Japanese American English British English French-Canadian European French Dutch Italian German Latin American Spanish Castilian Spanish Brazilian Portuguese European Portuguese Traditional Chinese Korean
星のカービィ25周年 グランドオープニング Kirby's 25th Anniversary: Grand Opening Grande ouverture du 25e anniversaire de Kirby Kirby's 25th Anniversary: Grand Opening Kirby's 25th Anniversary: première Kirby's 25th Anniversary: Ouverture Kirby's 25th Anniversary: Große Eröffnung Gran obertura del 25.º aniversario de Kirby 25.º aniversario de Kirby: Gran obertura Abertura do 25º aniversário de Kirby 25.º Aniversário de Kirby: Grande abertura 星之卡比25週年 盛大開幕 별의 커비 25주년 그랜드 오프닝
星のカービィ スーパーデラックスメドレー Kirby Super Star Medley Kirby's Fun Pak Medley Medley de Kirby Super Star Kirby's Fun Pak Medley Medley van Kirby's Fun Pak Medley di Kirby's Fun Pak Kirby's Fun Pak-Medley Popurrí de Kirby Super Star Popurrí de Kirby's Fun Pak Medley de Kirby Super Star Medley de Kirby's Fun Pak 星之卡比 超級豪華版組曲 Kirby Super Star 메들리
星のカービィ3&64メドレー Kirby's Dream Land 3 / Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Medley Medley de Kirby's Dream Land 3/Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Kirby's Dream Land 3 / Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Medley Medley van Kirby's Dream Land 3 en Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Medley di Kirby's Dream Land 3 / Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Kirby's Dream Land 3/Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards-Medley Popurrí de Kirby's Dream Land 3 y Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Popurrí de Kirby's Dream Land 3 / Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Medley de Kirby's Dream Land 3 y[sic] Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Kirby Dream Land 3[sic] / Kirby 64: Medley dos Crystal Shards[sic] 星之卡比3&64組曲 Kirby's Dream Land 3 / 별의 커비 64 메들리
星のカービィ Wiiメドレー Kirby's Return to Dream Land Medley N/A Medley de Kirby's Return to Dream Land Kirby's Adventure Wii Medley Medley van Kirby's Adventure Wii Medley di Kirby's Adventure Wii Kirby's Adventure Wii-Medley Popurrí de Kirby's Return to Dream Land Popurrí de Kirby's Adventure Wii Medley de Kirby's Return to Dream Land Medley de Kirby's Adventure Wii 星之卡比Wii組曲 N/A

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Kirby and the Forgotten Land music titles  
Japanese English French-Canadian European French Dutch Italian German Latin American Spanish Castilian Spanish Traditional Chinese Korean Simplified Chinese
さぁ準備じゅんびはできたかい Ready to Go! Il faut y aller! Il faut y aller ! ??? Tutto pronto per avviarsi! Auf Los geht's los! ¡Todo listo para partir! 準備好了嗎 ??? ???
カービィとナゾのうず Kirby and the Mysterious Vortex Kirby et le vortex mystérieux ??? Kirby e il vortice misterioso Kirby und der rätselhafte Wirbel Kirby y el vórtice misterioso 卡比和神祕漩渦 ??? ???
新世界しんせかいをかけぬけて Running Through the New World Gambade à travers le nouveau monde ??? Un nuovo mondo da scoprire Entdeckung einer neuen Welt Un nuevo mundo por descubrir 穿越新世界 ??? ???
フシギ!ほおばりヘンケイ Mysterious Mouthful Mode Mystérieux transmorphisme ??? Una misteriosa boccomorfosi Verrückter Vollstopf-Modus La misteriosa transmorfosis 不可思議!塞滿嘴變形 ??? ???
WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD! Welcome to the New World! Bienvenue dans le nouveau monde! Bienvenue dans le nouveau monde ! Welkom in de nieuwe wereld! Benvenuti nel nuovo mondo! Willkommen in der neuen Welt! ¡Adéntrate en el nuevo mundo! WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD! WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD! WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!
まちもこわされだいりゃくだつ Invasion of the Destroyed Town Invasion dans le village rasé ??? Invasione della città in rovina Überfall auf die Trümmerstadt Invasión de la ciudad destruida 小鎮也被破壞大掠奪 ??? ???
りゃくだつのビーストバトル Plundering Beast Battle Combat contre les bêtes pillardes ??? Lotta contro il saccheggiatore bestiale Kampf mit der Plünderbestie Combate bestial y saqueo 掠奪野獸之戰 ??? ???
ネイチェル草原そうげん Natural Plains Naturaplena Natuurvlakte Natura Unica Naturebenen Naturaleza Utópica 自然草原 네이첼 초원 自然草原
トンネルくぐって Through the Tunnel Traversée du tunnel Door de tunnel Tunnel profondo Ab durch den Tunnel Túnel Profundo 穿過隧道 터널을 지나서 穿过隧道
カービィダンス/ショート Kirby Dance (Short) Danse de Kirby (version courte) ??? Il ballo di Kirby (versione breve) Kirbys Tanz (kurz) El baile de Kirby (versión corta) 卡比跳舞/短 ??? ???
ワイルドリザルト Wild Results Résultats sauvages ??? Risultati selvaggi Wilde Ergebnisse Resultados salvajes 狂野結果 ??? ???
こうよアライブルモール A Trip to Alivel Mall Sortie au centre commercial Aviel Uitstapje naar winkelcentrum Alivel Gita al centro commerciale Alivel Ausflug ins Ambelen-Center Centro Comerical Alivel 一起去阿萊布爾購物中心吧 가자! 얼라이블 몰 一起去阿莱布尔购物中心吧
むてきキャンディー Invincible Candy Super bonbon Super sucette ??? Bonbon invincibile Superkraft-Lolli Paleta de invencibilidad Piruleta de invencibilidad 彩虹棒棒糖 ??? ???
こわいケモノのにおい The Smell of a Scary Beast L'odeur d'une bête terrifiante ??? L'odore bella bestia spaventosa Der Geruch einer Schreckensbestie El olor de una bestia temible 恐怖野獸的味道 ??? ???
VS. デンジャラスビースト VS. Dangerous Beast Face-à-face avec une bête sauvage ??? Lotta contro una bestia pericolosa Kampf gegen die gefährliche Bestie Contra una bestia peligrosa VS. 危險野獸 ??? ???
クリアのおと Stage Cleared! Niveau terminé! Stage terminé ! ??? Livello completato! Abschnitt abgeschlossen! ¡Fase superada! 過關之聲 ??? ???
カービィダンス/ロング Kirby Dance (Long) Danse de Kirby (version longue) ??? Il ballo di Kirby (versione lunga) Kirbys Tanz (lang) El baile de Kirby (versión larga) 卡比跳舞/長 ??? ???
はじまりのトレジャー Beginner Treasures Premiers trésors ??? Tesori per principianti Die ersten Schätze Tesoros para principiantes 初始的寶藏 ??? ???
エバーブルグ海岸かいがん Everbay Coast Estivalia Eeuwigblauwbaai Oasi Voce d'Oceano Ewigblau-Küste Eternidad Costera 蔚藍海岸 에버브룩 해안 蔚蓝海岸
およげ!ひろびろビーチ Abandoned Beach Plage à l'abandon Verlaten strand Spiaggia abbandonata Einsamer Strand Playa Abandonada 游泳吧!廣闊海灘 헤엄쳐라! 널찍널찍 비치 游泳吧!广阔海滩
タイムアタックぅ! Time Attack! Contre-la-montre! Contre-la-montre ! ??? Contro il tempo! Gegen die Zeit! ¡A contrarreloj! ??? ??? ???
BLUE BLUE BREEZE Blue, Blue Breeze Vol plané dans l'azur ??? Blu, brezza blu Blaue, blaue Brise Brisa muy azul BLUE BLUE BREEZE
地下水道ちかすいどうながされて Fast-Flowing Waterworks Tourbillons d'épuration Wildwaterleiding Rapide nell'acquedotto Stormschnellen-Wasserwerk Depuradora de Aguas Rápidas 順流地下水道 지하 수도에 휩쓸려서 顺流地下水道
ワンダリア跡地あとち Wondaria Remains Wondaria Wondaria-pretpark Macerie Meravillà Wundaria-Ruinen Viva Maravilia 驚奇樂園遺址 원더리아 철거지 惊奇乐园遗址
ようこそワンダリア Welcome to Wondaria Bienvenue à Wondaria Welkom in Wondaria Benvenuti a Meravillà Willkommen in Wundaria Bienvenidos a Maravilia 歡迎光臨驚奇樂園 원더리아에 어서 오세요 欢迎光临惊奇乐园
サーキットでGO! Circuit Speedway À fond sur le circuit Circuitracerij Circuito rapido Rennpisten-Raserei Circuito de Carreras 賽道GO! 서킷에서 GO! 赛道GO!
びっくりホラーハウス Invasion at the House of Horrors Invasion au manoir hanté Invasie van het spookhuis Invasione nella casa degli orrori Invasion im Horrorhaus Invasión en la Casa del Terror 驚嚇鬼屋 깜짝 호러 하우스 惊吓鬼屋
まっくらホラー Pitch-Black Horror Terreur dans le noir ??? Orrore color pece Pechschwarzer Schrecken Horror a oscuras ??? ??? ???
ワンダリアパレードのゆめ The Wondaria Dream Parade Parade de rêve à Wondaria De Wondaria-droomparade Sfilata da sogno a Meravillà Die Wundaria-Traumparade Desfile de Ensueño de Maravilia 驚奇樂園巡遊之夢 원더리아 퍼레이드의 꿈 惊奇乐园巡游之梦
ワドルディのまち Waddle Dee Town Village Waddle Dee ??? Città di Waddle Dee Waddle-Dee-Stadt Ciudad de los Waddle Dees ??? ??? ???
まえのひとはすいこまない Please Don't Inhale the Cinema Patrons Merci de ne pas aspirer les spectateurs ??? Vietato risucchiare gli spettatori! Bitte keine Kinobesucher einsaugen! No absorber espectadores ??? ??? ???
ワドルディのぶきさん Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop Armurerie Waddle Dee ??? Armeria di Waddle Dee Waddle Dees Waffenladen Armería de Waddle Dee ??? ??? ???
コロコロ!タマコロカービィ Tilt-and-Roll Kirby Roule, Kirby, roule! Roule, Kirby, roule ! ??? Rotola, Kirby! Roll, Kirby, roll! Kirby Rodabolas ??? ??? ???
ゲキムズ!タマコロカービィ Tilt-and-Roll Kirby (Extra Hard) Roule, Kirby, roule! (très difficile) Roule, Kirby, roule ! (très difficile) ??? Rotola, Kirby! (molto difficile) Roll, Kirby, roll! (sehr schwer) Kirby Rodabolas superdifícil ??? ??? ???
ごいっしょにドリンクは? Care for a Refreshment? Un petit rafraîchissement? Un petit rafraîchissement ? ??? Qualcosa di fresco da bere? Erfrischung gefällig? ¿Un refrigerio? ??? ??? ???
ランチにうえた!わにゃのむれ Lunch Rush! A Wave of Waddles Ruée des affamés au café Waddle Dee ??? Ora di pranzo! Una marea di Waddle Dee Essenszeit! Ansturm der Waddles! ¡Hora del almuerzo! Oleada de Waddles ??? ??? ???
ひかえしつ Waiting Room Salle d'attente ??? Sala d'aspetto ??? Sala de espera ??? ??? ???
SURVIVAL SWORD BOUNCER Sword of the Surviving Guardian L'épée du guardien survivant ??? La spada del guardiano sopravvissuto ??? La espada del guardián sobreviviente La espada del guardián superviviente SURVIVAL SWORD BOUNCER
またあしたがんばる Try Again Tomorrow Retente ta chance demain ??? Domani si ritenta ??? Mañana será otro día ??? ??? ???
インタビュー Interview Entrevue Interview ??? Intervista ??? Entrevista ??? ??? ???
ガチャルポンをながめて Admiring the Figure Collection Admiration de la collection ??? Una collezione da ammirare ??? Una colección de figuras admirable ??? ??? ???
ただいまカービィ Welcome Back, Kirby Quel plaisir de te revoir, Kirby! Quel plaisir de te revoir, Kirby ! ??? Bentornato, Kirby! ??? ¡Bienvenido de nuevo, Kirby! ??? ??? ???
おひるねちゅう A Quick Nap Petit roupillon ??? Un pisolino ??? Una siestecita Una siestecilla ??? ??? ???
ホワイティホルンズ Winter Horns Winterwald Witpiek Ortonevoso Winterkuppe Olvido Invernal 雪白角峰 화이티 호른즈 雪白角峰
きたのホワイトストリート Northeast Frost Street Route glacée du nord Route glacée du grand nord Noordelijke Vorststraat Strada nordica innevata Nördliche Froststraße Calle Nívea Nordeña 北邊的白色街道 북쪽 화이트 스트리트 北边的白色街道
フローズン・メトロ Metro on Ice Frissons dans le métro Metro op het ijs Gelo in metropolitana U-Bahnhof auf Eis Metro Congelado 極冷・捷運 프로즌 메트로 极冷・地铁
ブリザードブリッヂのたたか The Battle of Blizzard Bridge Bataille sur le pont du blizzard De strijd om de sneeuwstormbrug Battaglia sul ponte ghiacciato Schlacht auf der Blizzardbrücke Lucha en el Puente Gélido Lucha en el Puente de Cristal 暴風雪橋梁之戰 블리자드 브리지에서의 전투 暴风雪桥梁之战
めくるめくトレジャー Dazzling Treasures Trésors éblouissants ??? Tesori da capogiro ??? Tesoros deslumbrantes Tesoros cegadores ??? ??? ???
まさかのビーストキング An Unexpected Beast King Surprenant Roi des bêtes Een onverwachte beestenkoning Un re bestiale sorprendente Auftritt des Bestienkönigs Un Rey Bestial Inesperado 意想不到的野獸王 설마했던 비스트 킹의 등장 意想不到的野兽王
シャウト オブ デデデ Roar of Dedede Rugissement du Roi Dadidou ??? Il grido di Dedede ??? El rugido de Dedede ??? ??? ???
ヤラレ Defeat Défaite ??? Sconfitta ??? Derrota ??? ??? ???
オリジネシア荒野台地こうやだいち Originull Wasteland Origidésert Originewoestijn Nullandia Origins-Wüste Meseta Umbralia 原始荒野大地 오리지네시아 황야 原始荒野大地
いのちはじまる大荒野だいこうや The Wastes Where Life Began Berceau désertique de la vie De woestenij van het eerste leven Il deserto all'origine della vita Die wüste Wiege des Lebens Erial de la Cuna de la Vida 生命起源大荒野 생명이 싹트는 대황야 生命起源大荒野
まっくらヴァレー Pitch-Black Valley Vallée d'un noir d'encre ??? Una valle nera come la pece ??? Valle a oscuras ??? ??? ???
ムーンライトキャニオン Moonlight Canyon Canyon au clair de lune Maanlichtkloof Canyon Chiardiluna Mondscheinkluft Cañón Luz de Luna 月光峽谷 문라이트 캐니언 月光峡谷
フォルガトゥントレジャー Forgo's Treasures Trésors d'Oublio ??? I tesori di Perdis ??? Tesoros de Olvi ??? ??? ???
レッドガル禁足地きんそくち Redgar Forbidden Lands Repaire de Redgar Rodeghars verboden zone Domino proibito di Rossgar Rotharts Verbotene Lande Nación Prohibida Redgar 紅通通禁區 레드렁 금지 구역 红通通禁区
アツアツの禁足地きんそくち Enter the Fiery Forbidden Lands Entrée dans le repaire rougeoyant In de vurige verboden zone Accesso all'ardente domino proibito Verbotene Feuerlande Nación Prohibida Incandescente 前往熱燙燙禁區 앗 뜨거워! 금지 구역으로! 前往热烫烫禁区
資源しげんエネルギープラント Burning, Churning Power Plant Centrale électrique trépidante De vurige, knarsende krachtcentrale Un impianto scottante Feuerhölle im Kraftwerk Planta Industrial Abrasadora 資源能量工廠 자원 에너지 플랜트 资源能量工厂
決戦けっせん!ビースト軍団ぐんだん包囲網ほういもう The Beast Pack's Final Stand Combat final avec la meute des bêtes De laatste strijd tegen de beestenboel Scontro finale contro l'esercito bestiale Showdown des Bestienrudels Batalla Final contra la Jauría 決戰!野獸軍團包圍網 결전! 비스트 군단의 포위망 决战!野兽军团包围网
BAD MASKED WILD:D.D.D. Masked and Wild: D.D.D. Dadidou, sauvage et masqué ??? Mascherato e selvaggio: D.D.D. ??? Enmascarado y salvaje: D.D.D. BAD MASKED WILD:D.D.D. BAD MASKED WILD: D.D.D. BAD MASKED WILD:D.D.D.
オレさまの…出番でばんだろーが! The King's Turn to Shine L'heure de gloire du roi ??? Il momento di gloria del re ??? El momento estelar del Rey ??? ??? ???
ドキドキ発見はっけんドリームツアー The Dream Discoveries Tour Merveilleuse visite de découverte De D'Ontdekker-droomtour Visita guidata Scoperte da sogno Die Traumentdeckungstour Descubrimientos de ensueño 緊張刺激的發現夢幻遊覽 두근두근한 발견 드림 투어 紧张刺激的发现梦幻游览
ほしべる頂点ちょうてん The One Who Controls the World Le maître du monde ??? Cloui che controlla il mondo ??? Aquel que controla el mundo ??? ??? ???
野獣ビーストのえじきに The Beast's Prey La proie de la bête ??? La preda della bestia ??? Presa de la bestia ??? ??? ???
隆隆りゅうりゅうたる獅子叢ししむらたけ The Raging Lion Roars Rugissement du lion enragé ??? Il ruggito del leone furioso ??? El rugido del león furioso ??? ??? ???
エフィリン Elfilin 艾菲靈 에피린 艾菲灵
トランスフォーム・ネオテニー Sudden Metamorphosis Métamorphose soudaine ??? Evoluzione spontanea ??? Metamorfosis repentina ??? ??? ???
追獣ついじゅう Hunted by the Beast Pourchassé par la bête ??? Perseguitato dalla bestia ??? Perseguido por la bestia ??? ??? ???
再会さいかいのジェミニ Gemini Reunion Retrouvailles de jumeaux ??? Riunione fra gemelli ??? Reunión de gemelos ??? ??? ???
いつしかそうせいはロッシュ限界げんかい Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit Deux mondes proches de la limite de Roche ??? Due pianeti in prossimità del limite di Roche ??? Dos planets próximos al límite de Roche ??? ??? ???
この世界せかいも、あの世界せかい The Fate of Two Worlds Deux mondes aux destins liés ??? Il destino di due mondi ??? El destino de dos mundos ??? ??? ???
無敵むてきに GOODBYE NEW WORLD! A Full-Speed Farewell from the New World Adieu express au nouveau monde ??? Un addio a tutta velocità dal nuovo mondo ??? Despedida del nuevo mundo a toda velocidad ??? ??? ???
かけ決意けつい~No night lasts forever Soaring Determination: No Night Is Eternal Subite résolution: nulle nuit n'est éternelle ??? Determinazione: la notte non è eterna ??? Gran resolución: la noche no es eterna ??? ??? ???
WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!(Full) Welcome to the New World! (Full) Bienvenue dans le nouveau monde! (intégrale) Bienvenue dans le nouveau monde ! (intégrale) ??? Benvenuti nel nuovo mondo! (vers. completa) ??? ¡Adéntrate en el nuevo mundo! (ver. completa) WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!(Full) WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD! (Full) WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!(Full)
シークレットエリア:HAL部屋べや Secret Area: HAL Room Zone secrète : salle HAL ??? Area segreta: stanza HAL ??? Área secreta: sala HAL ??? ??? ???
シークレットエリア:HAL部屋べや Secret Area: HAL Room 2 Zone secrète : salle HAL nº 2 ??? Area segreta: stanza HAL 2 ??? Área secreta: sala HAL 2 ??? ??? ???
チャンピオンひかえしつ Champion's Waiting Room Sale d'attente du champion ??? Campione in sala d'aspetto ??? Sala de espera del campeón ??? ??? ???
たたかえアルティメット The Ultimate Fight Le combat ultime ??? La battaglia definitiva ??? El combate definitivo ??? ??? ???

Kirby's Dream Buffet

Kirby's Dream Buffet music titles  
Japanese English French-Canadian European French Dutch Italian German Latin American Spanish Castilian Spanish Brazilian Portuguese Traditional Chinese Korean Simplified Chinese
Kirby's Gourmet Fest Kirby's Dream Buffet
I'm Hungry Pinker Ball! I'm a Hungry Pink Puffball! Je suis une boule rose affamée! Je suis une boule rose affamée ! ??? Sono una palletta rosa affamata! Rosa, rund und voller Hunger! ??? ??? Bolinha rosa faminta! I'm Hungry Pinker Ball!
Colorful Cute Candies Cute, Colorful Candies Adorables bonbons colorés ??? Caramelle carine e colorate Süßes buntes Süßes ??? ??? Docinhos deliciosos e delicados Colorful Cute Candies
Youth Athletic Meet! Working Up an Appetite Un appétit de sportif ??? Lo sport mette fame Supersportlerappetit ??? ??? Abrindo o apetite Youth Athletic Meet!
Fun Drive with You On a Fun Drive with You Sur la route avec toi ??? Un giro in compagnia Auf lustiger Fahrt mit dir ??? ??? Nosso passeio divertido Fun Drive with You
Caramel Country Western Caramels au Far West ??? Country al caramello Karamell im wilden Westen ??? ??? Caramelos do Velho Oeste Caramel Country Western
Jazz Band of Four Balls Rolling-Quartet Jazz Band Un quatuor de jazz qui roule ??? Quartetto (rotolante) jazz Rollendes Jazzquartett ??? ??? Quarteto redondo de jazz Jazz Band of Four Balls
Love Love Alivel Love, Love, Alivel Amour à Aviel ??? Love, Love, Alivel Liebe, Liebe, Ambelen ??? ??? Amo, amo, Alivel Love Love Alivel
Seven-Colored Sky Seven Colors in the Sky Sept couleurs dans le ciel ??? ??? Sieben Farben am Himmel ??? ??? Sete cores no céu Seven-Colored Sky
Winter Days Route 8 Route 8 on a Winter Day La route 8 un jour d'hiver ??? ??? Route 8 an einem Wintertag ??? ??? Rota 8 em um dia de inverno Winter Days Route 8
Dance with Painting Witch A Dance with the Painting Witch Danse avec la sorcière peintre ??? ??? Ein Tanz mit der malenden Hexe ??? ??? Uma dança com a bruxa pintora Dance with Painting Witch
Revenge of Steel Wings La vengeance des ailes d'acier ??? ??? Die Rache der stählernen Flügel ??? ??? A vingança das asas de aço Revenge of Steel Wings
Colorful Pinball Prismatic Pinball Le levier prismatique Le flipper prismatique ??? ??? Farbenfroher Flipper ??? ??? Pinball prismático Colorful Pinball
Flying in the Clouds Vol dans les nuages ??? ??? Flug durch die Wolken ??? ??? Voando entre as nuvens Flying in the Clouds
Tonight's Light Up Show Tonight's Bright-Lights Show Spectacle nocturne de son et lumière ??? ??? Nächtliches Lichterspektakel ??? ??? ??? Tonight's Light Up Show
Polka Dot Cityscape Polka-Dotted Cityscape Un paysage urbain à pois ??? ??? Ein gepunktetes Stadtbild ??? ??? ??? Polka Dot Cityscape
I'm Hungry Pinker Ball! Ver.2 I'm a Hungry Pink Puffball! (Ver. 2) Je suis une boule rose affamée! (ver. 2) Je suis une boule rose affamée ! (ver. 2) ??? ??? Rosa, rund und voller Hunger! (Ver. 2) ??? ??? ??? I'm Hungry Pinker Ball! Ver.2
Kirby's Ultra Gourmet Memories Kirby's Ultra-Gourmet Memories Souvenirs gourmands de Kirby ??? ??? Kirbys Mega-Gourmet-Erinnerungen ??? ??? Lembranças ultradeliciosas do Kirby Kirby's Ultra Gourmet Memories
Elegant Afternoon Tea Time Afternoon Tea C'est l'heure du thé! C'est l'heure du thé ! ??? ??? Nachmittagstee ??? ??? Chá da tarde Elegant Afternoon Tea Time

List of Kirby JP Twitter game reports - Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn

The English name for these reports is Prince Fluff's Yarn Ball News Flash, from Nintendo of America's Twitter account. The Japanese name is フラッフ王子の毛糸のまきまき速報, roughly translated into English as Prince Fluff's Yarn Winding Breaking News.

Names in other languages

Kirby Star Allies: The Great Friend Adventure!

Language Name Meaning
Korean 별의 커비 스타 얼라이즈: 프렌즈 대모험!
byeol-ui koebi seuta eollaijeu peulenjeu daemoheom!
Kirby of the Stars Star Allies: The Great Friend Adventure!

Kirby Star Allies: The Universe is in Trouble?!

Language Name Meaning
Korean 별의 커비 스타 얼라이즈: 우주의 대위기!
byeol-ui keobi seuta eollaijeu ujuui daewigi!
Kirby of the Stars Star Allies: The Universe's Great Crisis!