
When browsing some pages, editors may have noticed the presence of tabs on the wiki. These are special formatting tools that allow large amounts of information to be compressed into small and easy-to-distinguish chunks, and can be a lifesaver for reducing the length of a page. The following is a brief overview on how to use tabs.

Basic coding

To create a simple tab, the following coding should be used:

<tab name="Tab 1">
Tab content.
<tab name="Tab 2">
Other tab content.

Which results in the following:

Tab content.

Other tab content.

The editor is at liberty to add as many additional tabs as desired, but the number of tabs used should remain within reason. One thing to note is that the "" quotation marks used in the tab names are part of the coding, and should not be removed.

Containing tabs

As demonstrated above, tabs will automatically stretch the width of the page or template they are placed within, and can create visual issues as a result, especially if they overlap with infoboxes or images. To fix this, the editor should contain the tab within an invisible table, like so:

{| width=50%
<tab name="Tab 1">
Tab content.
<tab name="Tab 2">
Other tab content.

Which results in the following:

Tab content.

Other tab content.

Naturally, the width can be set to anything, but this allows the content to be compressed as needed. 50% is the default and preferred width to use in most cases.